Fennec fox, Tunisia

We don’t really know much of the biology of Vulpes zerda, the Fennec fox, although it gets promptly recognised by everyone for its cuteness and its incredibly large ears, which help this species to locate food among the sand dunes and radiate heat. It is the quintessential desert animal, whose range covers almost the entire North of Africa and the whole Sahara…


Admired and respected as example of freedom, intelligence and social cohesion; hated, demonised and relentlessly persecuted – the wolf has always elicited a mix of contradictory emotions in us. Despite being one of the most charismatic and studied species in the world, we still know too little about the “real” wolf, worried as we are chasing so many other imaginary wolves. Certainly the renowned elusiveness of these animals makes them puzzling subjects to observe. Only with great patience one can hope to get a glimpse of their private life…